In order for companies to improve how they respond to and manage demand, these companies must ensure that their forecasting, demand sensing and shaping, planning, and fulfillment capabilities are...
Warehouse efficiency. Each warehousing operation on earth might want to be more profitable and productive, however very few really contribute the time to stop, retool and get it going. Luckily, there...
Have you ever incurred damage to your warehouse roll-up door because of a truck or forklift? A cost of warehouse operations and maintenance that is often overlooked is damage caused by vehicular...
The summer heat can make workers sizzle, particularly when their workplace is highly exposed to the outdoor environment. Think of construction workers, farmers, postal workers and people in various...
Make sure you do a good visual inspection. If you see copper wiring cut or frayed wires, disconnect the power and report to maintenance immediately. See below: On the picture below you can see trash...
Questions 1. What is the purpose for Lock Out/Tag Out? Who can remove your lock? 2. Why must you use secondary blocking when equipment is lifted on jack or stands? 3. What proper P.P.E. is needed for...
Questions 1. What is wrong with this put-away? 2. In your direct area or piece of equipment, name a pinch point hazard and ways to reduce the risk? 3. Name 2 behaviors that must be used at...
As the number of orders continues to rise, the number of truck drivers and trucks on the highway continues to decrease. Get prepared shippers, “you’re in an environment where the capacity shortage...