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June 29, 2023


Complete Visibility for Transportation Customers and Streamlined Integration Walton, KY–Verst Logistics, a leading third-party logistics provider, is proud to announce the launch of their new...


March 2020 Driver Safety Calendar & Topics for Discussion
February 28, 2020

How Ryan Newman's Crash Influences Daily Truck Driver Safety Meetings

“500” Reasons To Use These March 2020 Driver Safety Meeting Topics A few weeks ago, many of us watched in horror as Ryan Newman’s car suffered a potentially lethal crash during the last lap of the...


November 19, 2018

Tips to Help Prepare Drivers for Winter Driving

Make sure your vehicle is ready for driving in winter weather. During the pre-trip inspection, pay extra attention to the following items. Vehicle Checks Coolant level and antifreeze - Make sure the...


Quick Read - Freight Equipment-1
October 16, 2018

Quick Read: Freight Delivery Equipment & When to Use Each Type

What type of equipment is best for your shipment? Look over the specifications below to make the most informed decision for your shipping needs. In the logistics and transportation industry,...


October 3, 2018

Ten (10) Quick Tips to Avoid Accidents with Deer

The weather is changing, and so are the patterns of the deer. Hopefully, these tips below can help you reduce the risks of a deer strike or even more. To avoid hitting a deer, use these defensive...


September 28, 2018

Four (4) Reasons Companies Are Moving to Dedicated Transportation

Get the Capacity When and Where You Need It You have a line of products that is really growing and you need to ship every week to job sites for delivery, but you don’t have a enough drivers or enough...


CSA Scores
September 19, 2018

Why Taking Care of CSA Scores is Important

Being subject to DOT inspections can cost a business a lot of money in lost time and fines. It is important to check scores, as they are an indicator of the type of companies the FMCSA will target,...


September 18, 2018

Quick Read: CSA Scores and What They Mean

CSA stands for Compliance, Safety, Accountability, and is an FMCSA initiative that was introduced to improve the overall safety of commercial motor vehicles. But why does CSA matter? Based on carrier...


driver appreciation
September 14, 2018

Verst Logistics to Celebrate National Truck Driver Appreciation Week

Truck drivers keep America moving. Without the men and women drivers here at Verst Logistics, we would not be able to expand and grow our business. Here at Verst Logistics, we want to take time to...


August 10, 2018

5 Tips to Help Shippers Avoid Today's Capacity Crunch

As the number of orders continues to rise, the number of truck drivers and trucks on the highway continues to decrease. Get prepared shippers, “you’re in an environment where the capacity shortage...

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