How to Plan Work using Risk Assessments

July 30, 2018

Safety systems are used to proactively manage risk to As Low As Reasonably Possible (ALARP).  ALARP is achieved by using: Personal experiences, Other’s experiences, Good work practices, Rules and Procedures, and Regulations.  It is important that the organization have the knowledge, skill and the will and energy to consistently use these systems.  The quality of safety systems and the effectiveness of using safety systems is a key driver in managing risk to ALARP and achieving “Zero Harm”.   Each Safe Operations System is described below.

risk management


Plan work with Risk Assessment


  1. Take Five with SLAM


Purpose / objective

To recognize the hazards created through the interaction of people, machine and the environment and manage these hazards to achieve ALARP.


  • Stop and consider energy in the environment, information needed and tools required
  • Assess the relative level of risk
  • Manage the risk to ALARP through use of the hazard control triangle
  • Maintain continual situation assessment


Key Measurement

All work is planned with risk assessment and work is accomplished to ALARP


  1. THA’s and Procedures


Purpose / Objective

To provide a more formal risk management system for work activities with higher risk, more complexity or requiring consistency.


  • Recognition of hazards creating abnormal or unusual operations, or higher risk and taking action to use a more formal system
  • Formal process to develop written JSA or procedure
  • Formal review process
  • Formal field assurance of being used and followed


Key measurement 

THA and procedures are routinely used, formally audited, and updated.


Communication of Direction


  1. Injury and incident investigation


Purpose / Objective

To share experiences where risk was not managed to ALARP; whether an actual incident or near-miss.  The organization uses this information to plan work with risk assessment.


  • Facts are determined around causes of systems, behavior and physical
  • Recommended actions are determined for causes using hazard control triangle
  • Reports are communicated broadly
  • Recommendations are followed-up until there is fair assurance the incident will not reoccur.


Key measurement 

The organization plans work differently and the incident does not re-occur.


  1. Safety / Pre-shift Meetings


Purpose / Objective

To routinely provide the organization information of how to mange workplace hazards to achieve ALARP


  • Meeting is planned with clear purpose
  • All affected individuals attend
  • Pertinent information is provided with involvement for understanding
  • Clear expectations are developed
  • Follow-up is accomplished to insure application of the information
  • Meeting location must change at least once per week.


Key measurement

The organization utilizes information to plan work and manage hazards to ALARP


Managing and Monitoring Performance

  1. Interactive Audits / Discussions

Purpose / Objective

To conduct in-field audits / discussions so the organization understands objectives, boundaries are clarified, good behaviors are reinforced, corrections are made as necessary, and systems are assessed


  • Line management regularly visits the workplace in a planned manner
  • An environment of trust, openness and support is established
  • Effective communication with effective listening is accomplished
  • Information gained is acted upon for continual improvement of systems, plan work with risk assessment and organization development
  • Follow-up is accomplished to assure continual improvement


Key measurement

The line management spends 15 – 60% of time in the workplace focusing on proactive activities to achieve Safe Operations.  The organization is at ease in sharing and working together to continually improve Safe Operations.


  1. Leading Indicator Audits


Purpose / Objective

To conduct a Safe Operations leading indicator audit to benchmark progress in achieving the key elements of Safe Operations and identify opportunities for improvement.


  • The audit should be conducted by the Safety Manager and or Facility Manager with the line organization participating
  • The audit protocol will be utilized
  • Agreement should be reached of progress and opportunities
  • A report should be issued with an overall summary and summary of each key element


Key measurement

The line organization continues to make progress in achieving Safe Operations as measured by the audit elements.  The objective will be to have no facility below 2.8.


  1. Accepting Accountability


Purpose / Objective

The organization clearly understands boundaries, is trained effectively and applies good judgment to stay within the boundaries of Safe Operations


  • The job expectations are clearly defined
  • Training is comprehensive and followed-up to insure effectiveness
  • An evaluation criteria is established and reviewed periodically
  • Retraining and coaching is primarily used to assure work is accomplished within the boundaries
  • Counseling and discipline is used when necessary in a caring manner.


Key measurement

The organization motivate themselves toward accomplishing objectives because of beliefs, principles, personal and organizational needs.


  1. Coaching


Purpose / Objective

To develop people so that the individual achieves expectations beyond minimum job expectations


  • Views the opportunity for improvement from the other person’s perspective
  • Uses open-ended questions to identify issues and concerns
  • Achieves the involvement of the person or team
  • Allows the person to accept responsibility
  • Achieves new output or performance
  • Recognizes progress
  • Must include follow-up


Key measurement

The organization demonstrates caring and support, improved capability and continually improving Safe Operations measurements.


Leadership / Management


  1. Felt Leadership


Purpose / Objective

The manager’s presence is felt in a way that the organization responds positively to the manager’s direction and achieves peak performance


  • The organization is engaged in a vision with realistic objectives
  • There is clear direction with involvement
  • The organization has an environment of trust, caring and support
  • The organization is valued and principle driven
  • The organization is achieving or surpassing the business objectives


Key measurement

The organization is energized and is achieving Safe Operations along with other business success factors.


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