6 Ways to Stay Hydrated in the Heat of Summer

July 13, 2018

Hot, Tired, and Thirsty: How Dehydration Feels

Start your hydration early in the morning… 

When dehydration occurs, we experience a range of symptoms from dry mouth, headaches, dizziness, and fatigue to lethargy, cool skin, and the inability to urinate.

Here are a few ways water benefits your body's health.

  • Water helps prevent dry mouth. ... 
  • Water promotes cardiovascular health. ... 
  • Water keeps your body cool. ... 
  • Water helps muscles and joints work better. ... 
  • Water keeps skin supple. ... 
  • Water helps cleanse your body — inside and out.

Your urine can tell you a lot about your hydration status, since it accounts for the majority of the fluid that leaves your body. ... If you're well hydrated, your urine should be a clear, pale yellow color and nearly odorless. On the other hand, cloudy, dark yellow urine is a sign of dehydration.

Remember…drink half your body weight in ounces every day!


Warehousing , Safety

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