July 12, 2018
The Verst groups believe all injuries and serious incidents are preventable. By managing, and, where possible, eliminating workplace hazards, we will work toward a goal of ZERO injuries and serious incidents at each facility.
The workplace cannot be made hazard free. However, our job is to perform work safely in the presence of hazards. Verst managers will train associates how to identify workplace hazards and safely avoid or manage these hazards. Verst will evaluate new procedures or advances in technology for improvements to eliminate workplace hazards when possible.
All Verst managers share responsibility and accountability with the associates they supervise for injury and incident prevention.
Managers will regularly perform safety audits of associates’ workplace behavior so that they can determine that associates are working safely.
Associates’ suggestions and active involvement are essential to the success of Verst’s safety effort. Verst associates are encouraged to make suggestions and are expected to report any safety concerns to their supervisors, managers and/or Safety Managers.
All Verst associates will receive safety training appropriate for their job assignments.
Working safely is a condition of employment at Verst group. Associates will comply at all times with all safety policies and procedures. If a situation arises that is not covered by an existing policy or procedure, associates will not proceed until they have evaluated the task and have agreed upon a plan to eliminate, guard against or manage the hazards present in that task.
Verst group will investigate incidents and near misses to learn the root causes of the incidents and plan corrective actions to prevent their recurrence. Feedback on “lessons learned” will be provided to associates using safety alerts.
Prevention of incidents involving unsafe acts, both on and off the job, is good business. Verst group will expect its vendors to adhere to all of our safety policies and procedures when working on company property or equipment.
Working safely in the presence of hazards cannot be limited to the workplace. Safe habits are necessary both on and off the job.
Regular maintenance is required to keep all equipment, machines and the work environment safe and reliable at all times in the warehouse. Dangerous situations, accidents and health problems can occur...
Regular maintenance is required to keep all equipment, machines and the work environment safe and reliable at all times in the warehouse. Dangerous situations, accidents and health problems can occur...