5 Ways to Avoid Cargo Theft

July 16, 2018

Logistics companies have been notified recently by the FBI and local law enforcement agencies that there has been a rapid increase in cargo theft, specifically regarding loads of liquor.

If at any time you are approached, stopped, etc. by a person(s) that express their intent to take control of the load you have you are to fully cooperate. 

  • DO NOT resist or put yourself at risk 

Should something of this nature occur you are to call 911 for assistance and then report it to us via our normal communication process.

Be vigilant and aware of vehicles that may be following you or appear to be stationary and watching.

If you feel there is a possibility that you are being followed or watched contact us immediately with as much information that you can obtain as possible:

  • Location, type of vehicle & color, number of people, etc.


  • Your safety is first and foremost.
  • Maintain awareness of your surroundings.
  • Always park in a well lit and populated area whenever possible.
  • Keep your truck locked whenever you’re not in it.
  • Gather as much information as possible if you experience a situation such as this.
If you have any questions see your driver manager.


Transportation , Safety

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