October 2, 2018
Looking for ways to educate and engage your employees on safety & health topics throughout the year? Check out our our previous safety posts here.
Workplace safety and well-being should be a top priority for leadership and employees. But how can you keep your employees engaged all year long? For every organization the approach is different – we prefer to provide a safety committee, newsletters, monthly training sessions, interactions with employees and more. The October 2018 Safety Calendar is a valuable tool you can utilize to make your efforts this month more effective.
Ready to get started? Download our Safety Calendar to:
Please use the attached calendar for the month of October. October is a month that really needs stressed emergency action plans, workplace violence lessons, and basic topics. Please remember these pre-shift meetings should be simple, 2-3 minutes, and ask an open-ended question such as what’s on the calendar and make sure several people are involved in the answers.
Every warehouse & distribution center should have routine safety training before workers' shifts start. Training topics can vary, depending on the operations and activities at a particular location....