Verst Insights Blog


Written by Verst Logistics | September 14, 2021

Interactive and customizable Portal provides valuable insights to customers.

Verst Logistics, a national 3PL provider, is thrilled to announce the launch of its new Supply Chain Visibility Customer Portal. This next-generation Portal allows customers to have a complete view into their supply chain by using more visual methods such as interactive dashboards, enhanced reporting and real-time metrics.

The Portal features a customizable interface that allows easy access to all customer data along with an interactive experience, including a “follow me” feature that allows the user to follow the status on future data of interest to them.

”We are very excited to deliver this tool to our customers. This is not a typical experience in our industry,” said Macy Bergoon, Senior Vice President of IT, Verst. “The Portal includes some of the most exciting features that have not been implemented in the 3PL customer portal space before.”

Verst has invited their customers to explore the new Portal and look forward to providing excellent service and valuable insights through the new tool.